While Covid 19 is still around us, we are meeting and exceeding all health, safety and sanitation guidelines as provided to us by the provincial health authorities.
In order to keep us all safe, please review our operating procedures:
Booking Your Appointment. When you call to book an appointment, you will be screened for any Covid 19 symptoms. If you have any symptoms you suspect may be related to Covid 19, please use the BC Covid 19 Assessment Tool on-line or call 811. During this time, we are waiving all cancellation fees, so call and cancel if you feel unwell.
Appointment Times Are Staggered To Limit The Number Of Patients In The Clinic At Any One Time. We will be practicing social distancing.
Please Arrive Just A Few Minutes Early For Your Appointment. Please don’t arrive too early or too late.
When You Arrive. Please use our hand sanitizers and keep conversations to a minimum. If you can, please come alone to limit the number of people in our reception area.
Practice Social Distancing. Check in at the reception desk, then please take a seat.
During Your Treatment. We’d like you to wear a mask, but it’s not mandatory. Your doctor will be wearing one. Please keep conversations to a minimum so we can focus on your health and maximize your appointment time.
The Treatment Room Will Be Sanitized Before You Enter. We will meet and exceed all health, safety and sanitizing guidelines from our provincial health authorities throughout the clinic.
Please Book Your Next Appointment Before You Leave. This helps us control our schedule to keep everyone safe.
Our website and Facebook pages are continually updated with helpful health tips and exercises.
Dr. Olson and Dr. Caroon also co-created patient information webinars on neck pain, breathing techniques for core strength and lower back pain. These are available for you to view on our website here.
Thank you for reviewing our new clinic operating procedures.
We are looking forward to serving you and helping you reach your health goals.
Your health and safety is our number one priority.